
LibraryCollege dues will be charged as notified from time to time.  If dues are not paid by the fixed dates notified by the College, a fine for late payment will be charged at the rate of Rs 5 per day.  If the dues remain unpaid for 30 days after the fixed dates, the name of the student shall be stuck off from the college rolls.  Re-admission is at the direction of the principal after clearance of arrears of fee and payment will re-admission fee. Students who remain absent for some reason or the other, must arrange to send their dues to the college office by the due date.  Absence from the college will not be accepted as an excuse of non-payment of dues.
Absence Fine:
One Period/Full Day : Rs. 05/- only
Monthly Test per Paper : Rs. 50/- only (Maximum Rs.100/-)

Library Rules:

The college has about 50,000 books on various subjects in its library and more than 2000 books are available for competitive exams e.g. IAS, HCS, UPSC, NDA, NET (different subject) Banking, Clerical, etc. A number of magazines and national journals are available. Besides almost all the national and regional dailies also received. A spacious reading hall is available for students and biggest in the Sonepat district, ?ins open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on all working days.

  1. Library books will be issued to every students on library card. Every student can borrow 2 books at a time.
  2. Any loss of book should be immediately reported to the librarian and the matter will be settled within 15 days by replacing the books.
  3. Book will be issued for 15 days but the book which are much demand may be issued for 7 days. Delay in returning the books will entail of Rs.1/- per day per book.
  4. The students on leave must arrange to return their books well in time.
  5. The book issued from the library must be kept very carefully and should not be underlined and disfigured. The books should be checked before getting it issued, if damaged it should be brought to the notice of the librarian otherwise the person who returned the book will be held responsible for the damage.
  6. If any expense does not get identity card issued from the library on the specified date and time, he/she will have to pay a fine of Rs 1/- per day book.
  7. The students must keep their identity card with them when they enter the library if they fall to produce the identity card on demand they can be refused permission to enter in the library.
  8. If an identity card is lost by the students the duplicate can be issued on payment of Rs. 50/-.
  9. The students are required to read library notice issued from time to time. Ignorance will be no excuse.
  10. The students are expected to observe perfect silence in the library.
  11. Reference books, rare books and periodicals are not issued. These can only be consulted in library.


© CRA College Sonepat 2024
Design and Developed by Pramod Sharma (pramod.dpsghy@gmail.com)